

5件事:. 莎拉Lazzari

从阳光明媚的南加州到11月下雪的蒂芬,这是一个相当大的转变, 俄亥俄州, 而是Dr。. 莎拉Lazzari is happy to have made. At least when Sarah and her son, 多诺万, moved to 吃午饭 last summer, they got to experience a typical Midwest season. 她很好地适应了犯罪学助理教授的新角色,多诺万也同样适应了. “When I was interviewing, 最大的不同是澳门银河网站让我坐下来和学生们交谈, 这说明了很多. That’s why I got into teaching,” she says.

5件事: 杰 Bannister

杰伦·班尼斯特不知道澳门银河网站——他参观过的几所大学中的第一所——会成为他的家. He had been recruited by defensive coordinator Branden Jakubcin, 等, and although he was interested in continuing to play football, he “just wanted to go to school.” Although late in the game, 杰, 谁是从伯里亚来的, 俄亥俄州, committed to Heidelberg and he knows now he made the right decision.


有时候,人们很早就知道自己想要做什么. 那是莉兹·扎克. “我的高中有一个职业技术项目……我花了四年时间学习农业科学项目,小莉说。. 那次经历让她坚定了自己想要成为一名兽医的想法, working with exotic animals. 她已经在路上了. But there’s more to this animal lover and dog mom from Oregon, 俄亥俄州.

Alisha (Davis) Watkins, ’04

Since she graduated from Heidelberg in 2004, 阿丽莎(戴维斯)沃特金斯在她的职业生涯中成功地爬上了会计的阶梯,现在她是普兰特莫兰公司Southfield的合伙人, 密歇根的办公室. 一个注册会计师, Alisha为政府和医疗行业的客户提供保险和咨询服务, working with organizations

5件事:. 巴里·迪瓦恩

Dr. 巴里·迪瓦恩’s career as a radio broadcaster was short-lived, and Heidelberg is all the better for it. “我觉得这不是我的职业,所以我回到学校,”他说. 当时他正在华盛顿大学攻读英语专业的第二个本科学位, he realized what he really enjoys is literature. “And it turns out you can do a lot with an English degree.” When he finished his second degree, he met his future wife, Heleana Theixos, 他们开始了读研的冒险,最终都来到了澳门银河网站.


早在玛娅·布劳尔踏入校园之前,澳门银河网站就已经来到了她的身边. During her sophomore year in high school, she began taking voice lessons from ’Berg music instructor Dr. Renée Claire, who went on the road for the lessons. One of the stops was Maia’s high school in Oak Harbor, 俄亥俄州. “每次她来我都很喜欢她,”玛雅回忆道. She has continued voice lessons all four years with Renée, 她还与长笛教练洛里·阿金斯一起追求她对器乐的兴趣.

5件事: Ethan Miller

伊桑·米勒(Ethan Miller)进入澳门银河网站时主修化学,因为他的家人告诉他,他最擅长化学. Nothing against the sciences, but by the end of his freshman year, he realized that his passion was in the arts and humanities. “I really latched onto English. 这就是我的动力,”伊森说,他现在是一名大四学生,正准备读研. “英语是帮助我找到自我和自我认同的东西之一.于是,他把专业换成了英语写作,并辅修了戏剧和心理学.

5件事 to Know: Em Swain

埃姆·斯温(Em Swain)一心想要去别的州上大学,以至于他们“非常难过”,因为他们在参观澳门银河网站时如此热爱澳门银河网站. 如果可能的话, 作为一名主修哲学、辅修戏剧和写作的荣誉学生,他们在第二年更加热爱这个项目. They found interesting passions to pursue, 太, 包括剧院, 希腊的生活, improv comedy – even research.

5件事 to Know: Lexie 页面-Boyd

莱西·佩奇-博伊德被招募到澳门银河网站田径队,成为一名投掷运动员. But it was the bigger picture that sealed the deal for her. 在她大四的时候,Lexie已经成为一名环境科学专业的学生和学生运动员. “最初这是一个赛道决定,但总的来说,这是教育. I definitely think I made the right choice,” she says. Balancing a full schedule in and out of the classroom and lab, she’s one of the busiest students you’ll meet.

5件事 to Know: Jason Surmaceviz

不,它不是Serve-a-Sandwich,是的,它的发音和它的读音一样. 初中生Jason Surmaceviz在参观校园的那一刻就找到了他的“澳门银河网站之家”. “It was down to a couple of colleges, but everyone was so friendly here and it felt like a big family,杰森说。, 是谁在巡演结束后付了定金,再也不回头. 今天, he’s involved in a number of key positions behind the scenes, organizing and executing key events on campus.

5件事 to Know: Julia Campbell

When Julia Campbell was touring colleges, she ultimately chose the much larger Eastern Michigan University. 但她就是无法摆脱陪伴姐姐去澳门银河网站游玩时的那种感觉. “The whole time I was at EMU, 我一直在想, ‘What would have happened if I had chosen Heidelberg,’”茱莉亚说。. 一年后,她转学了,现在是她在伯格大学的第三个学期. She’s completely happy with her decision!

Outstanding 澳门银河网站 Award – Elrich “Pete” Green, ’78

As a student at Heidelberg in the mid-1970s, Elrich L. “Pete” Green was a larger-than-life personality on campus, 参加各种各样的活动,在这些活动中他可以真正发挥作用. He was a track student-athlete, WHEI业务经理, performed with the Jazz Band, worked in residence life and was a member of Black Student Union, σ

Service Award – Angie Cook

Sewing, some would say, is a lost art, but it has many benefits. You can learn at any age. 它需要创造力,保持大脑活跃,提高手眼协调能力,减少压力. 缝纫能从从零开始创造东西或裁剪适合自己的东西中获得快乐和满足感. Super-talented seamstress Angie Cook knows all of these

Legacy Family Award – Zartman-Diefenbach-Thompson Family

代表今年荣誉遗产家族的第一位澳门银河网站是1854年澳门银河网站学院第一届毕业班的成员. Sixteen decades and close to 30 alumni later, 自澳门银河网站成立以来,扎特曼-迪芬巴赫-汤普森家族的成员就在澳门银河网站留下了自己的印记. Among their ranks have been theologians

Campus mourns passing of retired VP Bill Goodwin, ‘56

The Heidelberg community is mourning the passing of William F. “比尔”古德温, ’56, retired Vice President for Development, 6月3日去世, 2019, 在萨拉索塔, 佛罗里达. 还有他的妻子, 诺玛(范特), ’54, whom he met when both were students here, Bill held his alma mater in high esteem, visiting for class reunions and major events, 和步进

保罗•布朗, '69, remembers the Mystics

保罗•布朗, ’69, remembers very distinctly his freshman year, sitting in the library, and listening to someone singing as they walked down the sidewalk. That “someone” was Ira Turpin, a musical prodigy from Canton, 俄亥俄州. 艾拉当时是68届的大二学生,在家乡参加过歌唱团体. “Ira grew up around the O’Jays. 事实上,他是

5件事 to Know: Marques Johnson

马奎斯·约翰逊是密歇根州贝尔维尔市的一名大三学生,主修流行音乐. 他在大二的时候转到了澳门银河网站,从那以后,他就参加了学校里各种各样的组织. As a member of the Concert Choir and the Marching Band, 马奎斯可以被认为是音乐界的“万事通”.

5件事 to Know: Haley Hudler

大四学生海莉·哈德勒(Haley Hudler)最初在中西部找了一所学校,以便远离康涅狄格州的家. 这位主修宗教的学生知道她想上一所与联合基督教会有联系的大学. 她决定去澳门银河网站是因为她想要更广泛的经历. “我也很想上一所文理学院,在那里我可以学会如何学习,”她说. “I wanted to be able to take classes from all different areas.” She found all that and more at Heidelberg.

5件事 to Know: Ronee Rice

When she was looking for colleges, 罗内·赖斯意识到,她可以在自己的后院同时拥有两个世界的精华. A 吃午饭 native and already familiar with the campus, Ronee participated in Scholars Day, 在那里她遇到了一些教授,并对附近的学校有了更深入的了解. She knew then and there Heidelberg was the right fit. 这是非常正确的,所以她留下来完成了她的咨询硕士学位, 现在是司法部暴力侵害妇女问题办公室拨款的项目协调员. She’s also an adjunct faculty member in the MAC program.


多年来, 澳门银河网站 alumnus Colonel Chad Breeden, USMC has wanted to get engaged with his alma mater, but his military career and distance precluded his involvement. 早在2013年,当他回到校园参加第25次同学聚会时,他就“冒险一试”. 2015年,海军陆战队将乍得和他的家人从圣地亚哥迁往匡蒂科